► Newsletter | August ◄

26 Sep 2022
Have an insight in Prime and read a bit more about upcoming changes in this newsletter.

Prime Logistics Newsletter | August 2022
Due to some in-real-life obligations the newsletter has been published a bit later, however, we do hope you’ll enjoy the read!
Staff of the Month & Driver of the Month
Unfortunately there will be no Driver of the Month and Staff of the Month this month; we are currently looking into a new way of doing this as we feel the old way is getting less special and unoriginal. Keep your eyes open.
Picture of the Month
Congratulations ItsPhili on winning last month's competition with a total of 52 upvotes! A very beautiful picture of ItsPhili driving through some heavy weather conditions.
Department Updates
Prime is running so smoothly due to all the work every department does, that's why we'll be giving an update from some of the departments.
In August we kept completing our usual duties, and apart from that we are currently working on some big things behind the scenes. Additionally, taking into account that our 4 year anniversary is coming up, prepare yourself for some nice things!
Driver Updates
In August, our driver count once again increased, as a result of the removal of our activity requirement over Summer. From September, our drivers are now once again required to meet our quota. This will be reflected in next month’s Newsletter.
Our driver count increased from 763 in July to 817 in August, a 7.1% increase.
Our application acceptance rate remained consistent, however the number of applications we received in August dropped from 163 to 129, a 21% decrease.
Examinations Team
In August, we saw a slight increase in the number of exams taken, from 75 in July, to 77 in August. The overall passing rate also saw an increase from 73% to 86%.
The Regular Cargo exam remained the most popular, as well as the Prague - Salzburg route.
Events Team
In August, we attended 34 convoys, of which 27 were public convoys, a massive increase compared to July. This is because we did not host our weekly convoys during this month, as we wanted to give our Convoy Control and Event Team Staff a break over the Summer.
All convoys we attended were logged this month. However, we had 1 day with no convoy attended, the 29th of August.
The average driver count across all convoys remained the same at 16 drivers.
Our highest attended convoy was the convoy we hosted on the 22nd of August, with 41 drivers in attendance.
Development Team
Most of the work that has been done in August happened behind the scenes, with fixes and changes to staff systems.
Public Relations Team
In August, we saw more red compared to July. This is because we did not host our weekly convoys during this month, to give our Convoy Control and Event Team Staff a break over the Summer.
However, we did still see positive growth on all platforms, except Instagram. We saw a slight decrease in our follower count on Instagram, which is contrary to all previous months. We are unsure why this may be, however will be monitoring our follower count on this platform for the coming months.
Driver Leaderboards
In August, we saw some change in the people at the top of the leaderboards! Congratulations to everyone below who got to the top!
Congratulations on driving the most KM (201,882), and earning the most points out of every driver in August (215,269)! Great work!
Congratulations on completing the most jobs in August, 137! Amazing!
Congratulations on getting back to the top of the leaderboards and attending the most events in August, 29 in total! Keep it up!
Team Changes
[Event Team] Rokas has been promoted to Assistant Director of Events.
[Public Relations Team] ChocoNoodles has joined the Human Resources Team as an additional role.
[Convoy Control] Welshy rejoins the Examination Team, while remaining in the Convoy Control Team.
[Convoy Control Team + Events Team] HaagseGamer has left the VTC.
[Media Team] Sharky. leaves the VTC due to personal reasons.
[Convoy Control Team] 𝕿𝖔𝖗𝖇𝖊𝖓. left the staff team due to lack of time.
Thank you for reading!
-Prime Logistics Public Relations Team