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Newsletter | Q2 2024


JoshuaDirector of Public Relations


26 Jul 2024

Find out what happened between April and June, read our brand new Media Team section, and find out loads of juicy details about upcoming projects!

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Prime Logistics Newsletter | Q2 2024

Read this article for a recap of everything that happened between April and June in Prime!

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Banner image taken by enphyte


Meet the Team - Public Relations Team

We’re back with another edition of Meet the Team! In this section, we’ll dive into another 1 of our teams in the VTC, providing further insights into our operations and the various members of our Staff Team!

This quarter, we’re diving into the Public Relations Team! A lot of people don’t know exactly what our role is within the VTC, so we thought we would give some insight into our operations, other than Newsletters! We interviewed Codeize from the Public Relations Team and you can find his responses below.

To start, could you introduce yourself?

“Hey, I'm Codeize, or Code, and I've been in the Prime Logistics Staff Team for a little bit over a year now, and I've been a Driver since 2021. I'm a member of the Public Relations team (if you see a post on our socials with a really bad joke, that was probably me!), Human Resources team and, as of late, the Development team. Outside of my online life I'm a full time student, and I'm about to begin studying Computer Science! Soon enough, I'll be able to continue to add bugs to the Prime Logistics Bot and DriversHub, but now with a degree!”

A lot of people don’t know what we get up to in the Public Relations Team. Could you break down what we do for the VTC?

“At its core, the Public Relations team handles the marketing and promotion of Prime Logistics to the wider public. We make multiple posts a week across X (Formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and the TruckersMP VTC page ranging from trivia questions related to the VTC, all the way to sharing some of the best photographs our drivers and staff have captured recently.”

What would you say is the best part of being in the Public Relations Team?

“The best bit about being a member of the Public Relations Team is that I can do my work whenever best suits me. I can schedule posts on a Monday night that may be released on a Friday! Having that degree of freedom and management over my own work is a trait I love most about the Public Relations Team. Another bit I love about the Public Relations team is our beloved Director Joshua, who is practically part of the furniture here at the VTC, but is always willing to lend a hand with any aspect of my Public Relations duties.”

Drivers love having their photos on our Social Pages. Could you give some tips for drivers photography to help improve their chances of being showcased on them?

“A lot of people tend to overcomplicate taking photos to post in #drivers-media, but in reality provided it's at a good resolution, any menus/names are hidden, and it generally looks nice, is all it takes. We love being able to show off the beautiful pictures our drivers take to our near-5-thousand followers across all platforms.”

Finally, could you give some tips to drivers looking to join the Verified Streamer Programme to help improve their chances of being accepted?

“We've recently revamped the entire Verified Streamer Programme to better reflect what's been suggested to us by drivers, namely YouTube support! A lot of really talented streamers get their application to join declined as they don't have VODs (Videos on Demand) available on their Twitch or their YouTube channel, so if you're thinking of applying (which you should be if you're even a casual streamer!), all I can suggest is just to ensure some content remains available for a few weeks before you submit your application to join the Verified Streamer Programme.”

We hope you enjoyed reading these insights into the operations of the Public Relations Team!


Picture of the Month


April’s competition did not have a theme. Bogdan25 won with this photo of 3 drivers in an industrial area in Calais!

April POTM winning picture


May’s competition was themed around urban areas, and 23ovii won with this photo of a Prime truck going over a bridge!

May POTM winning picture


June’s competition was themed around American Truck Simulator, and Aligatoor won with this photo of a Kenworth on a drag strip!

June POTM winning picture


Department Updates

With an extensive staff team, Prime’s operations run smoothly. We’ll give you further updates from some of our departments below!



Has it been 3 months already? It has? Well, we have so much to discuss.

During the month of April, we, Management, created our own union. Unfortunately, it got shut down as of April 2nd. We would rather see drivers resolve issues with us directly and felt that the union had no impact on our usual way of suggestions. While it was sad that the union got disbanded, we started doing monthly meetings to discuss all kinds of things, such as issues within the VTC or Staff Team, suggestions and discuss any other important information.

Since May, Trello made a limitation on how many people can be on a board and therefore, made us have to migrate to GitHub. It has positively impacted the team as we can now effectively work and keep track of our suggestions and tasks. While we’ve been keeping busy with a lot of work behind the scenes, we’ve been more focused on dealing with a brand new change that will be announced soon with the Human Resources Team and Recruitment Team. This project has been thought of, discussed properly, and has been executed slowly throughout the past year. We are very excited and can’t wait to fully announce it when finalised.

Moving past those issues, we celebrated pride in June. We had a fun time supporting and appreciating our LGBTQ+ friends and can’t wait for next year to celebrate it and you can read more about this here. While we’ve had a lot of team changes during this quarter, we were very saddened to see that we had to off-board Directors who have been here for years. While we had to deal with that, we also had to deal with replacing them with someone else to support the team and help out. Management always despises dealing with the change of Directors due to the number of years they always stay in their role and the dedication that has been put in. Last but not least, Management has agreed with the Media Team to display our asset team mods on Steam Workshop. This will be worked on for the next few months while we figure out how to do it and add in all of our mods made by the team.

Throughout Q2, Management has excelled at getting things done behind the scenes by answering feedback tickets, discord tickets, working on suggestions, making improvements to the VTC and so much more. We are pretty excited to discuss more about our projects once they are finalised in the next quarter!


Driver Updates

In Q2 2024, our driver count increased back up to near identical levels we saw in Q4 2023 of 873 drivers. This is a 5.18% increase compared to Q1 2024, or a 0.34% decrease compared to Q4 2023. This is in line with expectations, because in Q1 2024, our requirements were back in force after the Christmas Break, meaning a lot of drivers were unfortunately removed for not meeting requirements, showing our VTC is continuing to maintain a steady driver count.

On the Recruitment side, we received 347 applications, of which 201 were accepted, resulting in an acceptance rate of 57.93%. This is a 8.44% decrease in received applications compared to last quarter. The number of applications received this quarter is in line with the average number of applications we received each quarter in 2023 (360 applications on average).

recruitment stats


Events Team

We started off Q2 2024 by hosting our “Prime Logs & Sticks” April Fools Convoy on an Event Server, which saw 167 attendees!

Following on from this, we had a very successful quarter compared to last. We only had 3 days without an attended event, a lot lower compared to 26 days last quarter. Around 42% of event invitations were accepted this quarter. This is the highest acceptance rate we have seen for event invitations!

Overall, we attended and hosted a total of 99 events this quarter, which is more than there are days this quarter!

event stats


Development Team

Wow! Development has been pretty busy in Q2. During the quarter we were able to fix the #jobs channel. This had many problems with some drivers' jobs not showing up in the channel. Due to drivers wanting it fixed, we figured out a way to fix it and make it more accurate with our drivers logging their jobs. Within the staff team, we’ve had multiple suggestions to which we’ve accepted, worked on and implemented it. Our ticket system has been pretty busy with reporting bugs all over the place by our Support Team and Drivers. We are still trying to figure out how to prioritise each and every bug report we got from everyone. While the divisions have positively impacted our VTC with having more than 800+ in total, however, quite a lot of drivers change their division within a short amount of time without realising they had to wait before switching to the MP division or SP division. We’ve added a cooldown timer for division switching which has helped our Recruitment Team tremendously with the amount of division transfers they were getting that were invalid. Discord role connection metadata has been integrated into our Discord Server with Prime Plus. If you get Prime Plus, you can now get the verified role by going to the linked roles, pressing the role Verified and then pressing finished. This is for Prime Plus who are Drivers that can get their DriversHub profile displayed on their Discord profile. Matt has also posted an announcement here for any Prime Plus users who are Drivers and are interested in using this cool feature. Pretty cool, right?! The development team has been focusing on bug fixes which have put a delay on new features, which created a bit of downtime development wise. We are hoping to get better within the next quarter!

We have some exciting new features that are coming in Q3, keep an eye out on the following:

  • Having active bonuses showing up on the dashboard
  • Reworking the form for rejoining the VTC
  • Having the ability to show distances in either kilometres OR miles
    And many more features to come!

Alongside these features coming in Q3, some of our larger projects, such as the Discord Bot rework, are still in the pipeline, but we cannot provide an ETA on these yet. Stay tuned on our Socials for more information about these larger projects!

We are excited for Q3 and what comes out of it. See you next quarter!


Public Relations Team

Q2 2024 was fairly uneventful for the Public Relations Team. The “like'' numbers found on the statistical sheet are basically on par with Q1 2024. 1 interesting thing that can be taken from the sheet is that our Instagram follower count decreased, something we have never seen before. We’ll check back on this figure next quarter to see if it’s going to continue to decline, or if it was just a one-off.

There’s been a sharp decline in Verified Streamer Programme interest this quarter, with a 45% decrease in applications received (11 this quarter compared to 20 last quarter).

If you remember from last quarter, we mentioned that there was an exciting project being worked on behind the scenes for the future of our Newsletters (+ more!). While we have nothing further we can share with you today, we’d like to provide an early teaser in the form of an emoji.


Think you can figure out what it is? We’re excited to share further details in the future. Please bear in mind that, as explained prior in this Newsletter, our Development Team is currently focussed on fixing bugs with the DriversHub, so don’t expect this addition to arrive in the near future. We’ll hopefully be able to provide more insights in the Q3 2024 Newsletter!

PR stats


Media Team

We’re excited to introduce the Media Team to our Newsletters! In an effort to increase transparency where possible, we’re delighted to finally be able to provide insights into our Media Team.

The Media Team consists of 3 divisions: the Photography Team, the Videography Team, and the Assets Team. Insights will be provided in all future Newsletters about each division, alongside this Newsletter! In Q2, the Media Team saw the departure of one of Prime’s longest standing members, Scott (GetForkStabbed). Scott has provided the VTC with his knowledge in photography, and vastly within asset creation, helping move the VTC forward and always be at the forefront in our offerings to our drivers. We truly appreciate and thank Scott for everything he has done for us! With his departure, and Rider’s promotion to Chief Marketing Officer, it was time for the department to look for 2 new Directors. Andrew and Voxyz ended up taking up the role, and have been helping continue moving the VTC forward, working on new and exciting projects!

Alongside the structural changes, the Media Team saw the introduction of new quota’s to ensure Media’s presence at our weekly convoys is consistent, and that asset projects are consistently being worked on. We will aim for new asset projects to release at least every 2 months, so you can always expect something new around the corner!

Below can be found the statistics for this quarter from the Media Team.

Media stats

The Assets Team currently has 10 projects in the pipeline. These range from bug fixes to seasonal skins, alongside some major projects. Some aren’t quite ready to be revealed yet, but we’re excited to give insights into 2!

Andrew, the Director of Media, is currently working on an AI Traffic Pack for ATS! We are looking at this coming out in Q3, so stay tuned for further information! The ETS2 version of the traffic pack is currently on hold, due to it clashing with another project.

Now, for the 2nd project, we’d like to remind our readers that some of the projects are in a very early stage of development, including this one. While we can’t share any specific details about what it is, we challenge you to try and figure it out from the below emoji’s:


Take your wildest guesses, you might be correct! It’ll be a while before we share anything further regarding this, but stay tuned!

To finish off, we’re excited to present a roadmap for future content from our Assets Team! Please bear in mind that time frames provided for content are not strict and may be adjusted at any time. Content may be added or removed from the roadmap at any time as well.

Media roadmap


Driver Leaderboards

We’ve summed up the leaderboards between April and June. Congratulations to these 3 people who got to the top!


Congratulations on driving the longest job this quarter, a grand total of 17,438km! Amazing work, keep it up!


Congratulations on attending the most events this quarter, a total of 53! That’s more than half of all the events we attended!

Trucker G

Congratulations on completing the most jobs this quarter (330), driving the furthest distance (330,003km) and earning the most points this quarter (330,003)! Having only joined in March of this year, they’re already nearing having earned 500,000 points in total, an outstanding achievement!


Key Statistics

In Q2, our statistics remain consistent with Q1.

Most delivered cargo

This quarter, Medical Vaccines were once again the most delivered cargo, totalling 1826 deliveries.

Favourite departure city

Calais remains the favourite departure city, with 2438 jobs departing from there!

Favourite destination city

Calais remains the favourite destination city, with 2651 jobs arriving there!

Favourite departure company

LKW remains the favourite departure company, with 2401 jobs departing from there!

Favourite destination city

LKW remains the favourite destination company, with 2567 jobs arriving there!


VTC Statistics

It’s time to take a look at how the VTC performed overall this quarter, compared to last quarter!

Total Distance Driven

This quarter, our drivers drove a total of 16,920,223km. Compared to last quarter, that’s a 4.35% increase! That’s the same as going to the moon and back 22 times!

Total Jobs

Our drivers completed a total of 27,065 jobs this quarter, a 6.30% increase! That works out to around 300 jobs per day!

Total Points Earned

Our drivers earned a total of 18,562,063 points this quarter from completing jobs, earning bonuses, attending convoys, and completing exams! That’s a 7.36% increase from last quarter!

Total Drivers Attending Events

235 unique drivers attended events this quarter. Compared to last quarter, that’s a 9.81% increase! This means that around 1 in 4 drivers in our VTC attends events.

Total New Drivers

This quarter, we welcomed 207 new drivers to our VTC, a 10.63% decrease compared to last quarter.


Team Changes

[Driver] Ben has joined the Convoy Control Team. [Driver] Bogdan has joined the Convoy Control Team. [Driver] TheEnglishman has joined the Convoy Control Team. [Driver] bujău has joined the Media Team. [Driver] DemonicMizuki has joined the Media Team. [Retired Team Member] Azuma. has rejoined the Event Team.

[Event Team] Enphyte joins the Media Team as an additional role. [Media Team] Almeida’ joins the Support Team as an additional role. [Examinations Team] ash.exe joins the Public Relations Team as an additional role. [Event Team] Azuma joins the Examinations Team as an additional role.

[Media Team] Andyrew k has been promoted to Director of Media. [Recruitment Team + Examination Team] VettelxF1 has been promoted to Director of Examination Team. [Event Team + Media Team] Enphyte has been promoted to Director Of Events. [Media Team] VoxyZ has been promoted to Director Of Media.

[Convoy Control Team] KolenoNakashi has left the Staff Team and VTC.
[Convoy Control Team] Esdeath has left the Staff Team and VTC due to personal reasons.
[Director Of Examinations + Recruitment Team] Abi. has left the Staff Team and VTC due to lack of time. [Media Team] Leo has left the Staff Team and VTC due to lack of time.
[Convoy Control Team] FrosLeaf has left the Staff Team and VTC due to personal reasons.
[Director Of Events + Examination Team] Chloe has left the Staff Team and VTC due to lack of time. [Human Resources] OllieB has left the Staff Team due to lack of time. [Convoy Control Team] szpifig has left the Staff Team due to lack of time and personal reasons.
[Media Team + Support Team] Almeida has left the Staff Team due to lack of time. [Director of Recruitment Team + Support Team] Akif has left the Staff Team due to lack of time. [Convoy Control Team] Lamb Sauce has left the Staff Team and VTC due to lack of time. [Director Of Media] GetForkStabbed has left the Staff Team due to lack of time.

[Human Resources Team + Convoy Control Team] Hubs. has left the Human Resources Team due to lack of time, while remaining in the Convoy Control Team. [Human Resources Team + Convoy Control Team] RagtagBoss has left the Convoy Control Team due to lack of time, while remaining in the Human Resources Team.

[Media Team] Lewis has been removed due to failing their training period.



Thank you for reading our Q2 2024 Newsletter. We’ve half way through the year now, and the second half of the year for Prime looks like it’s going to be packed! We can’t wait for you to see what we have in store.

-Prime Logistics Public Relations Team

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Prime Logistics, a virtual trucking company based around the games of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator created by SCS Software.


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