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Newsletter | Q3 2024


JoshuaDirector of Public Relations


08 Oct 2024

Find out what happened between July and September, take a deep dive into the Event Team, and find out new details about upcoming projects!

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Prime Logistics Newsletter | Q3 2024

Read this article for a recap of everything that happened between July and September in Prime!

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Banner image taken by L4CHT4N


Meet the Team - Event Team

We’re back with another edition of Meet the Team! In this section, we’ll dive into another 1 of our teams in the VTC, providing further insights into our operations and the various members of our Staff Team!

This quarter, we’re diving into the Event Team! Our anniversary is just around the corner and we thought it would be interesting to get someone from our Event Team that can provide some insights into both our anniversary celebrations and the general running of the team! We interviewed Enphyte, the Director Of Events; their responses are below.

To start, could you introduce yourself?

Heya :) I'm Enphyte, I am a Director of Events for Prime and also part of the Assets division in Media! I have been part of Prime for nearly three years and have been part of the staff team for two and a half years - A Director since April! I perform a lot of behind the scenes and more public-facing tasks as part of my role.

What kind of responsibilities, tasks, etc do you do in the Event Team?

The role of Event Team is a highly demanding role, there's a lot of tasks and responsibilities we hold. Some of our tasks include creating event posts, handling the many invites we get every day, creating our profiles for Convoy Control at events, creating routes for events, hosting private convoys, handling spawn logs, and many other smaller tasks. As a Director, there's a lot more tasks that Andreas and I do as well. We respond to the many tickets we get everyday, we also do the core planning for each of our events, particularly our Anniversary & New Years convoys!

Let’s talk about the anniversary - can you give us an insight of how the operations go while you plan and get prepared?

As of now we are gearing ourselves for the 6th Year Anniversary convoy and enlisting the help of staff in Prime and the TMP community for Convoy Control, GM Support and Media. There's been a lot of work behind the scenes put into the anniversary convoy as it is the most important convoy of the year, so that's why things have been rather quiet since August!

What’s challenging when doing your responsibilities?

There's two things that are a nightmare to deal with. One, ensuring that convoys are logged: since we can't be at every convoy, we rely on those who send us their spawn-logs to log events! Otherwise, no one would get points. Secondly, our invitations: As Prime is one of the biggest VTCs around, we receive a lot of invites from VTCs big and small and it has recently become difficult to get through. As of now, we have ~80 invites pending, and it takes a lot of time to get through some invites.

Finally, could you tell us what you enjoy doing while being a Director for the Event Team?

One of the main things I enjoy about being a Director for the Event Team (& also Convoy Control) is reforming and modernising many of our systems and methods to make sure the team is stable and also ensures that work flows effectively. Many of these changes won't be noticeable to our drivers, but trust me, a lot has changed recently and a lot will change! Many will know that we now operate a bi-weekly schedule instead of weekly, this was to allow for the Event Team & us as Directors to focus on tasks such as invites, and also to lessen overall workload on the team. There's many more changes that Andreas and I are currently in the process of implementing and wish to implement, some more publicly noticeable than others. Our main goal as Event Directors is to ensure that the Event Team can be stable and ready for 2025, as we've had quite a rocky year.

We hope you enjoyed reading these insights into the operations of the Event Team!


Staff Of The Month

During Q3, we decided to bring back Staff Of The Month to appreciate our Staff Team for all the hard work they do. We started this back in August by choosing Cal as our first staff member to receive this award. The only thing different is that we include our Directors to make the decision. The way this works is that at least 5 days before the month ends, Management asks Directors to choose and nominate the Staff Member who has stood out throughout that month. Then, Management will decide between the nominated Staff Members and choose someone who we feel has stood out! However, in the following month, that Staff Member can’t be nominated to make it fair for everyone in the team. Since we’ve explained everything, we can now tell you who won in August and September!


August SOTM picture

Cal joined the VTC on May 17th, 2022. A year later, he joined the Human Resources Team! Cal has done so much for the HR team by being a reliable staff member, taking on anything he’s given. He’s always there and helpful towards drivers, staff members or the community. His attitude towards everyone has given people a chance to be more open around him and to feel more at home rather than feeling they are trapped in a corner. Cal has dedicated full-time hours to our VTC and shown that he’s done so much for Prime Logistics and to that, we appreciate and value everything he’s done for us so far!


September SOTM picture

Enphyte joined the VTC on November 26, 2022; that's almost 2 years ago. They've done so much within the years they've been here. I want to start by appreciating their dedication to what they've been creating for our single-player division. Their skills are unmatched! They will forever be a legend for creating lots of asset projects that they've picked up by our ex-Director Scott. Because of them, we are finally going to have a huge project releasing on our anniversary in October!

While they aren't just in the Media Team and working hard; they are also in the Event Team as Director Of Events. Since they joined, they have done a lot to improve the workflow of each Event Team Member there. They've created lots of systems to help out with everything and have done nothing but give suggestions that have better the team's atmosphere. They've also done a great job introducing private convoys in SCS convoy mode so our SP division can attend without being a public member of TruckersMP.


Picture of the Month


July’s competition was themed around Summer, and Joni won with this photo of a Prime truck in a sunny, rocky area!

July POTM winning picture


August’s competition did not have a theme, and Parker won with a photo of 8 Prime trucks about to head out on a drive!

August POTM winning picture


September’s competition was themed around Halloween, and OLDSCHOOL won with a spoOoOky photo!

September POTM winning picture


Department Updates

With an extensive staff team, Prime’s operations run smoothly. We’ll give you further updates from some of our departments below!



Well well well… we meet again! In Management, we didn’t do much throughout the past 3 months. However, we do still have some updates for you! The things we did were not noteworthy as it was the usual tickets, feedback/appeals, management the VTC, getting ready for our anniversary and so on. It was the normal routine things you’d do as Management here in Prime.

However, one big thing we’d like to mention is that going back to February, we’ve been working on something huge for our staff team that should be announced in Q4. We finally have finished planning and now we are doing the backend stuff on our Discord, DriversHub, TruckersMP VTC Page and so on. This should be exciting not only for our Staff Members but also for our drivers. We can’t wait to see how everyone reacts as this was a huge decision between the team's Directors and management…👀

Next, let’s move on to our new CAO! As you probably have noticed, Budo has left after 4 years of service. It’s always sad to see Staff, especially Management leave after so long! Budo has done so much for the VTC and we appreciate everything he has provided for our VTC. He was a legend and has made an impact during his years with us. After his departure, we opened up CAO applications for our Human Resources and Examination Directors; we had great applicants who showed how dedicated they were to our VTC. However, after a tough decision, we ended up choosing iEnMity on September 23rd. iEnMity was the last driver that got to join our Human Resources Team, all the way back in January 2022! He’s worked his way up to Director Of Human Resources to which he showed true dedication and his hard-working capabilities. He’s improved and changed a lot within the team. He also took on an extra internal team; the Support Team to which he managed by himself alongside Matt for any extra help. He was our choice to go with and we are super happy to see the progress he has made through his journey to CAO!

That’s all for this Newsletter! Thanks for reading this section and we hope we can have more to update you with in Q4!


Driver Updates

In Q3 2024, our driver count decreased from 873 to 860 drivers, a 1.49% decrease. Our driver count has remained fairly stable around this mark for the past year or so.

On the Recruitment side, we received 226 applications, of which 152 were accepted. This is a massive decrease in the number of applications received, which can be seen by the large percentages in the image! This will definitely need monitoring and will be followed up on in the next Newsletter if it is just as low.

recruitment stats


Events Team

Q3 2024 was a mixed bag for the Event Team. During this quarter, we hosted our convoys bi-weekly, as just like previous years, we give our Staff a break during this period. However, in order to maintain the quality of our convoys and ensure staff resources aren’t being stretched, we have decided to permanently implement bi-weekly convoys as opposed to weekly convoys. This may be revisited in the future if Staff resources allow for it, but don’t expect this to be in the foreseeable.

Aside from this, there were some positives! On average, we had a higher public convoy attendance compared to Q2, and it was fairly stable throughout the quarter. We also saw a large increase in the number of invitations to events received, where the acceptance rate remained at around 40%.

The main event of the year for the Event Team, our anniversary convoy, is just around the corner! We hope you will enjoy what we have planned, and look forward to speaking more about it in the next newsletter.

event stats


Development Team

Unfortunately, there’s not much to update our readers on here regarding the DriversHub. But, we do have some smaller bits! A few things we’d like to mention are that we finally added logging via Passkey without entering an email, distance locale (ability to view miles instead of kilometres), and having an active bonus shown on the dashboard. Those are very exciting developer updates for our DriversHub!

Now, we can move on to our brand new Discord bot that is in development by Codeize. He joined the Development Team a few months ago, and has started working on our 7th version of the bot. We hope that this will be the last major revision of the bot for the foreseeable future, but who knows! We love bots and love coding them! Our current bot has been contributed to by Joshua (Director of Public Relations), Nathan (Chief Technology Officer) and Bastet (Chief Operating Officer). While we love the code they produced, we felt it was time to change the bot in an effort to increase the efficiency of the code and modularity in an effort to make adding new features to the bot easier! This bot update should be released in late 2024 or early 2025. There’s no ETA due to the extensive coding that Codeize has to do, but we are hoping to have it as soon as possible!

That’s all from us. Thank you for reading!


Public Relations Team

Performance within the Public Relations Team this quarter has been fairly positive! The decrease we saw in Instagram followers seems to have stabilised and we are now back up to the exact same follower count we had in Q1 2024. Facebook saw a massive increase in overall performance compared to prior quarters. X (Twitter) saw a near doubling in follower count increase compared to prior recent quarters!

Q4 2024 is always a big quarter for the team, mainly as a result of our anniversary celebrations. We can’t wait for you to see what we have in store to reveal during our anniversary week!

In fact, we even have something ourselves to reveal! Stay tuned across our Socials for further details!

PR stats


Media Team

Media stats

We're excited to announce a two part collaboration with the exams team to help improve some rewards and content for them. Stay tuned for more information soon! The last few months we've seen steady progress project wise with a spike in September with lots of important projects in the works/ getting uploaded as well as preparing for our anniversary projects due in October! We're really excited for you to finally get playing with these projects and hope you are happy with the quality and activity from the assets team. If you have any feedback regarding our skins don't hesitate to contact andrewkwastaken on discord.

Media roadmap


Driver Leaderboards

We’ve summed up the leaderboards between July and September. Congratulations to these 3 people who got to the top!


Congratulations on completing the most jobs, a total of 338 jobs! That’s almost 45 jobs per day!


Congratulations on attending the most events this quarter, a total of 49! That’s less than last quarter, but still quite a lot!


Congratulations Cake on being first in the leaderboard for a few things this quarter. You’ve achieved being the driver who drove the furthest distance (306,069km) and earned the most points (344,749)! They joined back on August 3rd this year, that’s a huge milestone for only being here for 2 months!


Key Statistics

In Q3, our statistics remain consistent with Q2.

Most delivered cargo

This quarter, once again Medical Vaccines were the most delivered cargo, totalling more than the last quarter of 2345 deliveries.

Favourite departure city

Calais again is the favourite departure city, with 2308 jobs departing from there!

Favourite destination city

Again, Calais is the favourite destination city, with 2420 jobs arriving there!

Favourite departure company

LKW is once again the favourite departure company, with 2530 jobs departing from there!

Favourite destination city

Again, LKW is the favourite destination company, with 2547 jobs arriving there!


VTC Statistics

It’s time to take a look at how the VTC performed overall this quarter, compared to last quarter!

Total Distance Driven

This quarter, our drivers drove a total of 17,207,613km. Compared to last quarter, that is a 1.70% increase! That’s awesome!

Total Jobs

Our drivers completed a total of 25,030 jobs this quarter, a 7.52% decrease. That means that the average distance per job increased by approximately 10% to 690km!

Total Points Earned

Our drivers earned a total of 18,872,420 points this quarter from completing jobs, earning bonuses, attending convoys, and completing exams! That’s a 1.67% increase from last quarter!

Total Drivers Attending Events

232 unique drivers attended events this quarter, compared to last quarter, that’s 3 drivers less, so near consistent.

Total New Drivers

This quarter, we welcomed 202 new drivers to our VTC, that’s 5 new drivers less than last quarter.


Team Changes

[Examinations Team + Event Team] Faith. has left the VTC and staff team due to lack of motivation and time.
[Media Team] Vechte steps down from Media Team due to lack of time.
[Human Resources + Public Relations Team] Codeize has joined the Development Team.
[Convoy Control Team] Hubs. has joined the Examinations Team while remaining in the Convoy Control Team.
[Driver] OldMan. has rejoined the staff team in the Convoy Control Team.
[Examination Team + Support Team] Hirurex will be joining the Human Resources Team + Recruitment Team as additional roles.
[Human Resources Team + Recruitment Team + Examination Team] Cal has decided to leave Examination Team due to lack of time. But will remain in Human Resources Team + Recruitment Team.
[Convoy Control Team] Rogevis leaves the staff team and VTC due to lack of motivation.
[Convoy Control Team] HoneyBadger leaves the staff team due to lack of time.
[Driver] Heasid has joined the Event Team.
[Retired Team Member] Merlin_76 has joined the Event Team.
[Convoy Control Team] Cam_ has left the staff team due to lack of time.
[Human Resources] J a n e k rejoins the Convoy Control Team as an additional role.
[Driver] Eclipse joins the Convoy Control Team.
[Driver] Take Off To Land has joined the Convoy Control Team.
[Public Relations Team + Examinations Team] ash.exe had left the Examinations Team due to lack of time, however, they will remain in the Public Relations Team.
[Driver] Sander EE has joined the Examination Team.
[Driver] dnigamer has joined the Examination Team.
[Media Team] DarkRose has left the staff team due to personal reasons.
[Driver] LeoPado has joined the Examinations Team.
[Convoy Control Team] JohnTheProTrucker16 has left the staff team due to lack of time.
[Retired Team Member] Ruby has rejoined the Convoy Control Team.
[Chief Administrative Officer] BudokanTB leaves the team after 4 years of service. We want to thank him for everything he has done in the VTC and all the contributions he has made to the staff team. Thank you Budo.
[Convoy Control Team] Bogdan leaves the team due to personal reasons.
[Driver] 'hσηιxxxxx. has joined the Media Team.
[Driver] Joni has joined the Media Team.
[Driver] 'Nantrewai' has joined the Media Team.
[Driver] player_63 has joined the Examinations Team.
[Driver] Thomas S. has joined the Examinations Team.
[Event Team] Heasid leaves the team and VTC due to personal reasons.
[Director Of Examinations + Recruitment Team] VettelxF1 has joined the Media Team whilst leaving the Recruitment Team.
[Recruitment Team + Human Resources Team] Oli. has left the staff team due to lack of time. We want to thank him for his constant dedication to the VTC and our team for 3 years.
[Director of Human Resources] iEnmity has been promoted to Chief Administrative Officer.
[Media Team] Gustavo Assis has left the staff team due to personal reasons.
[Convoy Control Team] Eclipse has join the Event Team whilst leaving the Convoy Control Team.
[Convoy Control Team] тнe eɴɢʟιѕнмαɴ leaves the staff team due to Personal Reasons.
[Media Team] Miku has left temporarily due to personal reasons.



Thank you for reading our Q3 2024 Newsletter. In our Q4 2024 Newsletter, we’ll be talking about our Anniversary celebrations and everything else coming up in the final few months of the year!

-Prime Logistics Public Relations Team

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Prime Logistics, a virtual trucking company based around the games of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator created by SCS Software.


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